Professionally cleaning and repairing rugs since 1901.
The general cleaning process for most hand-made rugs is relatively straight-forward. It starts with a pre-cleaning inspection to identify pre-existing conditions and stains that might require extra work.
Next, we remove as much dry soil as possible, either with a mechanical duster for pile rugs or a vacuum for flatweaves and delicate rugs. After the dry soil is removed, we wash rugs on both sides with a detergent formulated for rug cleaning mixed with water.
Specialized spotters are used on an "as needed" basis and finally the rug is flushed with clean water to remove any detergent and spotter residue then hung up to dry.
The next morning each rug is inspected to determine whether it will be washed again, sent to stain/color removal or go to finishing and final grooming. The process for most machine-made rugs follows a similar protocol.
Within this general process we also customize the cleaning for your individual rug and it’s needs. Our end goal is to give you a rug that is free of dirt, soil and stains.
If your rug requires repairs, deodorization, moth/bug removal or any other service these will be completed in the correct order to give you the best results.